Adam Jozwiak, Assistant Professor of Molecular Biochemistry, University of California, Riverside, presents "From Cell Walls to Metabolites: How Plants Co-opt Cellulose Synthase-like Proteins for Specialized Metabolite Production".
Karen McDonald, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor Emerita, Chemical Engineering, University of California, Davis, presents "Plants as Molecular Foundries".
Blake Meyers, Director of the Genome Center and Distinguished Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, presents “Phased, secondary siRNAs in plant reproduction”.
Dr. Stephen Welch, Kansas State University, presents "Genotype-to-Phenotype Prediction By Melding Machine Learning, Genomics, and Biophysical Crop Growth Models: Strategies and Issues".
Mishi Vachev, Strawberry Research Group, Coaker Lab, presents "Getting to the root of it all: Genetic basis of resistance to Fusarium wilt of strawberry".
Mary-Francis LaPorte, Diepenbrock Lab, presents “Learning from Kernels: Predictive modeling for nutritional traits in maize and agronomic traits in rice”.
This seminar features a story of the diverse rice grown in the Mississippi Delta