Funding and Support
General Information about Funding a Graduate Degree
There are a variety of Academic Employment options available to fund a graduate degree. Students may need to utilize one or more of these options over the course of their academic career. Fellowships and awards can also provide additional financial support.
- Fellowships
- Graduate fellowships are typically highly competitive and vary widely with regard to stipend and/or tuition support they offer. UC Davis offers a special graduate opportunity program for qualified minority and/or economically disadvantaged students that offers a twelve-month stipend based on financial need, as determined by the Financial Aid Office.
- College Awards
- CBS offers several philanthropic awards to outstanding graduate students in any of the college's eight graduate groups. Awards recognize excellence in teaching, research and mentorship, and support a variety of student-life activities and opportunities.
- Graduate Student Researcher
- These positions are based on research grant funding, and are arranged with individual faculty members. Applicants interested in a GSR position should make early contact with faculty members in your department/areas of interest to discuss possible opportunities. GSR positions provide full remission of the in-state fees and the non-resident supplemental tuition (NRST).
- Teaching Assistants
- These positions are allocated by individual departments. These positions are not centrally managed, and each requires an application. The position includes partial remission of in-state fees. The work may involve leading undergraduate discussion or laboratory sections and grading.
- Readerships
- These positions involve marking homework solutions submitted by students, and are arranged with individual instructors. Readerships are hourly positions, and include partial fee remissions for in-state fees. Readership positions should not be considered a sole means of support.
- Internal and Departmental Fellowships
- All new students are considered for these automatically upon their application to UC Davis, when the applications are submitted by the priority deadline. In some cases, a few select students will be nominated by their program for campus-level fellowships, which are competitive. Some individual graduate programs may also award program-level fellowships, which are decided on by the faculty in program or research area. These may be partial or full support.
- Internal Fellowship competition
- Graduate Studies conducts an Internal Fellowship competition in the fall for continuing academic graduate students. This application is used to award fellowship funding for the subsequent academic year.
Information for CBS Graduate Students

Life Sciences Training Grants
A training grant is an agreement that provides funding to pay stipends to, and provide a coordinated training program for, students, postdoctoral researchers, staff, teachers and/or faculty.

Teaching Assistantships for CBS Students
TAships provide one of the largest sources for graduate student support. They also constitute an important aspect of graduate training under faculty guidance.

CBS Application Fee Fellowships
The CBS Equity Program awards a limited number of application fee fellowships to applicants with the potential to foster diversity in the biological sciences.

CBS Awards and Fellowships
Philanthropic awards recognize excellence in teaching, research and mentorship among graduate students in the college's eight graduate groups.