Male speaker at the podium in front of projection screen and large audience

Storer Event Archive


January 30, 2025Polygyny: The Evolution of a Model (Peer Lecture)Monique Borgerhoff Mulder
Distinguished Research Professor Emerita, UC Davis Department of Anthropology; Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
January 29, 2025Applying Cultural Evolution to Sustainability Challenges (Public Lecture)Monique Borgerhoff Mulder
Distinguished Research Professor Emerita, UC Davis Department of Anthropology; Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
October 22, 2024How Decades of Climate Denial, Disinformation and Doublespeak by Big Oil Fueled the Climate Crisis

Amy Westervelt
Journalist, Podcaster, Founder of Critical Frequency

Steven Donziger
Human Rights Lawyer 

Geoffrey Supran
Associate Professor, University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science

April 11, 2024Uterine Glands: The Odyssey of Development and Their Function (Peer Lecture)Tom Spencer
Vice-Chancellor for Research, Curators' Distinguished Professor of Animal Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia
April 10, 2024Dual Purpose with Dual Benefit: How Research in Domestic Animals has Dual Benefits to Both Animal and Human Health (Public Lecture)Tom Spencer
Vice-Chancellor for Research, Curators' Distinguished Professor of Animal Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia
October 25, 2023Computational Geospatial Approaches to Reconstruct the Historic Internal Migrations of Africans during the Millennia of Enslavement (Peer Lecture)Fatimah Jackson
Professor, Howard University and Director, W. Montague Cobb Research Laboratory
October 24, 2023My Journey of Generations: An African American Woman's Academic Adventure and Scientific Reconciliation (Public Lecture)Fatimah Jackson
Professor, Howard University and Director, W. Montague Cobb Research Laboratory
October 17, 2023Moving Towards Universal Coronavirus Vaccines (Peer Lecture)Kizzmekia Corbett
Assistant Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases Harvard University, Chan School of Public Health
October 16, 2023Hillsborough to Harvard: My Science Career Trajectory (Public Lecture)Kizzmekia Corbett
Assistant Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases Harvard University, Chan School of Public Health
September 28, 2023Comparing Parallel Evolutionary Transitions from Photosynthetic Algae to Intracellular Parasitism in Apicomplexans and Dinoflagellates (Peer Lecture)Patrick Keeling
Professor, University of British Columbia
September 27, 2023How Eating Changed Our Genes: The Impact of Phagocytosis and Endosymbiosis on Nuclear Genomes (Public Lecture)Patrick Keeling
Professor, University of British Columbia
May 18, 2023Connecting Genotype and Phenotype: The Next Frontier in the Palaeosciences (Peer Lecture)Philip Gunz
Biological Anthropologist, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
May 17, 2023Neanderthals Agree You Have a Weird Head: Fossil Traces of Brain Evolution (Public Lecture)Philip Gunz
Biological Anthropologist, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
April 24, 2023The Macaque Face Patch System: A Turtle’s Underbelly for the BrainDoris Tsao
Professor of Biology, University of California Berkeley; Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
March 16, 2023Using Natural History to Understand Tropical Agroecosystems (Peer Lecture)Ivette Perfecto 
James E. Crowfoot Collegiate Professor of Environmental Justice,
University of Michigan
March 15, 2023Food Systems at a Crossroads (Public Lecture)Ivette Perfecto 
James E. Crowfoot Collegiate Professor of Environmental Justice,
University of Michigan
March 7, 2023Sequence Homology Searches: The Future of Deciphering the Past (Peer Lecture)Sean R. Eddy 
Harvard University; HHMI Investigator
October 25, 2022Climate Change and the Deconstruction of Species (Peer Lecture)Beth Shapiro 
University of California, Santa Cruz; HHMI Investigator
October 24, 2022Sequencing the Dead: Reconstructing the Past Using Ancient DNA (Public Lecture)Beth Shapiro 
University of California, Santa Cruz; HHMI Investigator
October 4, 2022Pleiotropic Benefits of Circadian Rhythms and Time-Restricted Eating (Peer Lecture)Stachidananda Panda
Salk Institute
October 3, 2022Magic Habit to Prevent Disease and Improve Performance (Public Lecture)Stachidananda Panda
Salk Institute
April 26, 2022Evolution and mechanism of brain pathways for vocal learning and spoken language (Peer Lecture)Erich Jarvis 
Laboratory of Neurogenetics of Language Rockefeller University
April 25, 2022Sequencing genomes of all species for a new era of biology (Public Lecture)Erich Jarvis 
Laboratory of Neurogenetics of Language Rockefeller University
April 18, 2022How is electrical signal generated? Structural and mechanistic investigations of Nav channels Nieng Yan 
Shirley M. Tilghman Professor of Molecular Biology,
Princeton University
April 13, 2022The revolution will be backward designed (Peer Lecture)Bryan Dewsbury
STEM Transformation Institute, Florida International University
April 12, 2022The promise and practice of inclusive teaching (Public Lecture)Bryan Dewsbury
STEM Transformation Institute, Florida International University
April 5, 2022Telomere Maintenance in Human Disease Processes (Peer Lecture)Elizabeth H. Blackburn
Nobel Laureate, Professor Emerita at University of California, San Francisco
April 4, 2022A Journey: From Looking Down A Microscope to Looking Out the Window (Public Lecture)Elizabeth H. Blackburn
Nobel Laureate, Professor Emerita at University of California, San Francisco
March 9, 2020Sequence Homology Searches: the Future of Deciphering the PastSean R. Eddy
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Applied Mathematics, Harvard University
January 23, 2020Sustainable Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems: Search for a Process-based Understanding (Peer Lecture)Margaret A. Palmer
Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland & Director of the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
January 22, 2020Restoration Science and Practice in a Political Ecology Framework (Public Lecture)Margaret A. Palmer
Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland & Director of the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
January 8-9, 2020Decoding complex diseases with statistical modelsKatherine S. Pollard
Director of the Gladstone Institute of Data Science and Biotechnology & Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, UCSF


April 17-18, 2019 Genes and Behavior and A Tale of Tails: Genetics Development and Function of Tail Length Evolution

Hopi E. Hoekstra 
Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University


February 21, 2019

Floods, Drought, and River Food Webs

Mary E. Power
Department of Integrative Biology, University of California Berkeley

January 29, 2019 Evolutionary Genomics: Lessons from Darwin’s Finches, the Ruff and the Atlantic Herring (Peer Lecture)

Leif Andersson
Professor of Functional Genomics, Uppsala University; Professor of Animal Genomics, Texas A&M 

January 28, 2019
Domestic Animals: Models for the Evolution of Phenotypic Diversity (Public Lecture) Leif Andersson
Professor of Functional Genomics, Uppsala University; Professor of Animal Genomics, Texas A&M 
October 22, 2018 The Origin and Emergence of Global Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles Paul Falkoski
Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Marine and Coastal Sciences
Founding Director, Rutgers Energy Institute
October 10, 2018 Natural Products as Probes of the Pain Pathway: From Physiology to Atomic Structure David Julius
Professor and Chair of Physiology at the University of California, San Francisco
May 7, 2018 Bacteria of the Candidate Phyla Radiation Jill Banfield
Professor of Earth and Planetary Science and Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley
March 12, 2018 From Single to Collective Cell Motility: What Can We Learn from Using Mathematics? Leah Edelstein-Keshet
Professor of Mathematics University of British Columbia
March 8, 2018 Mechanisms Driving Rapid Genome Evolution (Peer Lecture) David Pellman
Professor of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Pediatric Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
March 7, 2018 Shapeshifting Genomes: Learning About Genome Evolution from Cancer (Public Lecture) David Pellman
Professor of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Pediatric Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
January 24, 2018 The Future of Coral Reefs

Peter J. Mumby
Professor, Marine and Spatial Ecology Laboratory, University of Queensland

December 6, 2017 Males Exist, Does It Matter? Hanna Kokko
Professor of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Zürich
October 25, 2017 Common Errors that Bedevil Biomedical Research and How to Fix Them Richard Harris
Distinguished science writer and NPR correspondent on science, medicine and the environment
May 24, 2017 Towards a Richer Evolutionary Game Theory in Biology John McNamara
Washington State University
April 19, 2017 Peroxisome Dynamics in Arabidopsis Bonnie Bartel
Rice University
February 22, 2017 Imaging Life at High Spatiotemporal Resolution (Peer Lecture) Eric Betzig
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
February 21, 2017 All Things Great and Small: The Role of Telescopes and Microscopes in Understanding Our Universe and Ourselves (Public Lecture) Eric Betzig
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
February 9, 2017 Jasper Ridge Global Change Experiment (Peer Lecture) Chris Field
Stanford Woods Institute
February 8, 2017 Climate Change: 2017 (Public Lecture) Chris Field
Stanford Woods Institute
February 2, 2017 Convergent Regulatory Evolution and the Origin of Flightlessness in Palaeognathous Birds (Peer Lecture) Scott V. Edwards
Harvard University
February 1, 2017 The Transition From Dinosaurs to Birds: A DNA Perspective (Public Lecture) Scott V. Edwards
Harvard University
November 21, 2016 Meiotic Recombination: A Key to Chromosome Segregation, A Drive to Genome Evolution Bernard DeMassey
Institute of Human Genetics
May 19, 2016 Do Fish Feel Pain? Victoria Braithwaite
Institute for Advanced Study
February 25, 2016 The Evolution of Human Skin Pigmentation and its Implications for Health and Social Wellbeing Nina G. Jablonski
Pennsylvania State University
January 11, 2016 Chemical Biology and Endomembrane Trafficking in Plants Natasha Raikhel
University of California, Riverside
October 12, 2015 Engineering Microbes for Production of Chemicals and Fuels Jay Keasling
University of California, Berkeley
October 8, 2015 Dynamics of Phenotypic and Genomic Evolution in a 60,000-Generation: Experiment with E. coli (Peer Lecture) Richard Lenski
Michigan State University
October 7, 2015 Time Travel in Experimental Evolution (Public Lecture) Richard Lenski
Michigan State University
May 4, 2015 Searching For Simplicity: Theoretical Physics Meets Experimental Biology William Bialek
Princeton University
May 12, 2015 Growth Control, Cancer Metabolism, and Tool Development David Sabatini
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
April 16, 2015 The Evolution of Cooperation and Cooperative Breeding (Peer Lecture) Tim Clutton-Brock
University of Cambridge
April 15, 2015 The Origins of Society (Public Lecture) Tim Clutton-Brock
University of Cambridge
April 7, 2015 Timing is Everything in Ecology Ian Baldwin
Max Planck Institute
February 26, 2015 Landscape in Transition? Climate Change and Disturbance Regimes in Greater Yellowstone Monica Turner
University of Wisconsin-Madison
January 15, 2015 Sleep in the Animal Kingdom Amita Sehgal
University of Pennsylvania
November 20, 2014 On Some Controversies in Immunology: Specificity, Regulation, and Crosspresentation (Peer Lecture) Rolf M. Zinkernagel
University of Zurich
November 19, 2014 Immunology Taught by Viruses (Public Lecture) Rolf M. Zinkernagel
University of Zurich
November 3, 2014 Identification of Genes and Pathways that Prevent Genome Instability Richard Kolodner
Ludwig Cancer Research
October 29, 2014 Immunology Taught by Viruses (Peer Lecture) Charles M. Rice
The Rockefeller University
October 28, 2014 Hepatitis C: 25 Years Later (Public Lecture) Charles M. Rice
The Rockefeller University
October 23, 2014 Lessons from an Antarctic Desert: Documenting Climate Change and Measuring its Impact on Soil Life Diana Wall
Colorado State University
May 29, 2014 Taylor's Power Law of Fluctuation Scaling: Examples and Theories (Peer Lecture) Joel Cohen
The Rockefeller University
May 28, 2014 The Human Population: Its Past and Prospects (Public Lecture) Joel Cohen
The Rockefeller University
May 21, 2014 Sex and the Single Parsnip: Coping Within Two Hemispheres (Peer Lecture) May Berenbaum
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
May 20, 2014 Bees in Crisis: Colony Collapse, Honey Laundering, and Other Problems Bee-setting American Apiculture (Public Lecture) May Berenbaum
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
April 29, 2014 Dissecting the Molecular Architecture of Inherited Predisposition to Inflammatory Bowel Disease Michel Georges
University of Liège
April 10, 2014 Two Flies on an Island: Speciation in Drosophila on Sao Tome (Peer Lecture) Jerry Coyne
University of Chicago
April 9, 2014 Faith is not a Virtue: The Incompatibility of Science and Religion (Public Lecture) Jerry Coyne
University of Chicago
March 6, 2014 Trophic Cascades in Lakes (Peer Lecture) Steve Carpenter
University of Wisconsin, Madison
March 5, 2014 Assessment of Social-Ecological Systems: A Wisconsin Watershed (Public Lecture) Steve Carpenter
University of Wisconsin, Madison
February 24, 2014 Lessons from the Lemurs: Senescence in Madagascar Patricia Wright
Stony Brook University
February 23, 2014 Climate Forcing and the Population Dynamics of Infectious Diseases in Changing Human Landscapes Mercedes Pascual
University of Michigan
January 7, 2014 RNA-Programmed Genome Defense and Editing by CRISPR/Cas Systems Jennifer Doudna
University of California, Berkeley
December 5, 2013 Dr. K Chases the Great White Permease (Peer Lecture) Ronald Kaback
University of California, Los Angeles
December 4, 2013 Charging Your Cell by Powering the Membrane (Public Lecture) Ronald Kaback
University of California, Los Angeles
October 29, 2013 Genetics and Biology of Colorectal Cancer: Drug Responses, Cell Lines, Stem Cells, and Differentiation (Peer Lecture) Walter F. Bodmer
University of Oxford
October 28, 2013 Genes, History, and Archaeology: A Case Study of the British Population (Public Lecture) Walter F. Bodmer
University of Oxford
June 5, 2013 The Two Sides of Symbiosis in the Ecology and Evolution of Insect Hosts Nancy Moran
Yale University
June 4, 2013 Leveraging the Digital Universe of Data to Construct Predictive Disease Models Eric Schadt
Mount Sinai Medical Center
May 28, 2013 Human Proteomics and Healthcare Larry Gold
University of Colorado, Boulder, SomaLogic Inc.
May 16, 2013 The Healing Power of Love: An Oxytocin Hypothesis Sue Carter
RTI International
May 6, 2013 How Cooking Made Us Human Richard Wrangham
Harvard University
April 11, 2013 Aquaporin Water Channels: From Atomic Structure to Malaria (Peer Lecture) Peter Agre
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
April 10, 2013 Opening Doors Worldwide Through Medical Science (Public Lecture) Peter Agre
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
March 18, 2013 Plant Systems Biology: From Predictive Network Modeling to Trait Evolution Gloria Coruzzi
New York University
January 31, 2013 Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree: Ecology and Adaptive Radiation of Anoles Jonathon Losos
Harvard University
January 17, 2013 Moving Forward with Wolbachia Releases for Dengue Control (Peer Lecture) Ary Hoffman
University of Melbourne
January 16, 2013

Species Adapting to Climate Change: What's Possible (Public Lecture)

Ary Hoffman
University of Melbourne
November 19, 2012
Maintenance of Genome Stability: From Worms to Human Disease Simon Boulton
London Research Institute
November 15, 2012 Plant-Animal Mutualistic Networks: The Architecture of Biodiversity Jordi Bascompte
Estación Biológica de Doñana
October 4, 2012 Microbial Community Genomics and Transcriptomics Reveal Structure, Function, and Dynamics in Marine Planktonic Assemblages (Peer Lecture) Ed Delong
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
October 3, 2012 Exploring Earth's Infinite Microbial Biosphere, From Genomes to Biomes (Public Lecture) Ed Delong
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
May 31, 2012 Genomics of Plant Speciation (Peer Lecture) Loren Rieseberg
University of Indiana
May 30, 2012 Plant Speciation: Similarities and Contrasts with Animals (Public Lecture) Loren Rieseberg
University of Indiana
April 26, 2012 Eco-Evolutionary Spatial Dynamics (Peer Lecture) Ilkka Hanski
University of Helsinki
April 25, 2012 Environmental Biodiversity, Human Microbiota, and Allergy (Public Lecture) Ilkka Hanski
University of Helsinki
January 11, 2012 Sustaining the Beauty and Bounty of Oceans: Grand Challenges for Science and Society Jane Lubchenco
Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator of NOAA, Department of Zoology at Oregon State University
November 17, 2011 The Fate of the Land Carbon Sink Steve Pacala
Princeton University
November 3, 2011 Major Issues in Moden Biology Seminar Series Edmund Brodie
University of Virginia
October 10, 2011 Strategies for Regenerating Bone: Stem Cells, Scaffolds, Growth Factors, and Patients Matthew Wheeler
University of Illinois- Urbana-Champaign
May 26, 2011 Nabokov's Blues Naomi Pierce
Harvard University
May 11, 2011 Sustainable Agriculture for 9 Billion Nina V. Fedoroff
Pennsylvania State University
April 21, 2011 Major Issues in Modern Biology Seminar Series Joseph Felsenstein
University of Washington
January 6, 2011 Evolutionary Genomic Analyses of Insect Society: Eat, Drink, and Be Scary Gene Robinson
University of Illinois- Urbana-Champaign
December 2, 2010 The Behavior of Wild Chimpanzees John Mitani
University of Michigan
November 1, 2010 Genomic Instability and Cancer: Lessons from Analysis of Bloom's Syndrome Ian Hickson
University of Copenhagen
October 28, 2010 In Nature, Timing is Crucial: Understanding the Timing of Flowering in Plants Caroline Dean
University of York
May 18, 2010 Novel Drug Delivery Systems and the Application of High Throughput Approaches to Drug Delivery and Stem Cell Technologies (Peer Lecture) Robert Langer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
May 17, 2010 Biomaterials and Biotechnology: From the Discovery of the First Angiogenesis Inhibitors to the Development of Controlled Drug Delivery Systems and the Foundation of Tissue Engineering (Public Lecture) Robert Langer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
May 13, 2010 Natural Selection and the Genetics of Adaptation in Stickleback Dolph Schluter
University of British Columbia
May 6, 2010 Consequences of Aneuploidy Angelika Amon
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
April 23, 2010 Major Issues in Modern Biology Seminar Series Rebecca Skloot
Author, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
April 16, 2010

Upstream and Downstream Manufacturing of Vaccines in Tobacco

Charles Arntzen
The Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University
April 5, 2010 Choosing Sex: How Cells Take the Road Less Traveled David Page
Whitehead Institute
May 12, 2010 Chemical and Mechanical Signaling in the Control of Plant Morphogenesis (Peer Lecture) Elliott Meyerowitz
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology
May 11, 2010 How Plants Grow: Applying the New Science of Computational Morphodynamics (Public Lecture) Elliott Meyerowitz
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology
February 18, 2010 Analyzing Stem Cells Within Intact Drosophila Tissues Allan Spradling
Carnegie Institution
January 14, 2010 Sexual Selection and Communication in Tungara Frogs: Terrain, Behavior, and Evolution Michael Ryan
University of Texas- Austin
January 11, 2010
Electrical Microstimulation and fMRI Nikos Logothetis
Max Planck Institute


December 1, 2009

What Can Genetics Tell Us About the History of Plant Domestication? Michael Clegg
University of California, Irvine
September 30, 2009 Major Issues in Modern Biology Seminar Series Carlos Castillo-Chavez
Arizona State University
July 13, 2009 Microbial Life in the Deep Sub-Seafloor Biosphere: The Starving Majority Bo Barker Jørgensen
Aarhus University
May 20, 2009 Unraveling a developmental pathway involved in maize domestication (Peer Lecture) John Doebley
Genetics Department, University of Wisconsin
May 19, 2009 Darwin and Domestication (Public Lecture) John Doebley
Genetics Department, University of Wisconsin
May 12, 2009 Early Hominin Evolution: Learning From an Old Child Zeray Alemseged
California Academy of Sciences
April 29, 2009 Stress and Health: From Molecules to Society Robert Sapolsky
Stanford University
April 21, 2009 The Genetics of Speciation (Peer Lecture) Allen Orr
Department of Biology, University of Rochester
April 20, 2009 Darwin, Evolution, and Design (Public Lecture) Allen Orr
Department of Biology, University of Rochester
April 16, 2009 Release of Transgenic Crops in a Center of Genetic Diversity: The Case of Transgenic Corn in Mexico Luis Herrea-Estrella
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
March 31, 2009 Genetic Engineering for Virus Resistance in Plants: Using New Strategies or Adapting from the Past? Roger Beachy
Washington University- St. Louis
March 24, 2009 Endless Flies Most Beautiful: Cis-Regulatory Sequences and the Evolution of Animal Form (Peer Lecture) Sean Carroll
R.M. Bock Laboratories, University of Wisconsin, Madison
March 23, 2009 Remarkable Creatures: Epic Adventures in the Search for the Origins of Species (Public Lecture) Sean Carroll
R.M. Bock Laboratories, University of Wisconsin, Madison
March 4, 2009 Genome-Scale Protein and Gene Expression Exploration of Arabidopsis Chloroplast Development and Metabolic Networks (Peer Lecture) Willi Gruissem
Department of Plant Biology, Universitaetstrasse, Switzerland
March 3, 2009 Food Security: Risks and Challenges for Modern Agriculture (Public Lecture) Willi Gruissem
Department of Plant Biology, Universitaetstrasse, Switzerland
February 23, 2009 Darwin Day Celebration Maureen Stanton & Jonathan Eisen
University of California, Davis
February 19, 2009 Rest and Regulating Neuronal Specific Gene Expression Gail Mandel
Oregon Health and Science University
February 4, 2009 The DDR New Molecular Insights and New Approaches to Cancer Therapy Steve Jackson
University of Cambridge
January 28, 2009 Balancing Conservation and Development in Africa: Lessons from Kenya's Savannas Daniel Rubenstein
Princeton University
November 20, 2008 Unbreaking the Camel's Back: The Science of Sustaining Coral Reefs Terry Hughes
James Cook University
September 29, 2008 Genomic Disorders: Studying Copy-Number Variation to Understand Human Development and Disease James Lupski
Baylor College of Medicine
September 11, 2008 Attempts to Observe Membrane Proteins in Their Native Environment Andreas Engel Watch
May 23, 2008
Analyzing Variation Regulatory Networks Using Omics Technologies Mike Snyder
Yale University
March 14, 2008 Stem Cells: Patient Benefit, Wealth Creation Ian Wilmut
University of Edinburgh
April 17, 2008 Genes for Heart, Kidney and Bone Disease: New Insights From Human Genetic Studies (Peer Lecture) Richard Lifton
Yale University
April 16, 2008 Genetic Dissection of Common Disease: From Rare Mutations to Common Pathways (Public Lecture) Richard Lifton
Yale University
May 15, 2007 Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Migration and Disorders of Neuronal Position (Peer Lecture) Pasko Rakic
Yale University School of Medicine
May 14, 2007 On the Evolution of the Human Brain: Lessons from Embryo-Archaeology (Public Lecture) Pasko Rakic
Yale University School of Medicine
May 11, 2007   Giles Oldroyc
John Innes Center
May 8, 2007 Origin, Developmental Potential and Limitation of Mouse ES Cells Andras Nagy Watch
April 24, 2007 Biological Large Scale Integration (Peer Lecture)  Stephen Quake
Stanford University, Department of Bioengineering
April 23, 2007

Imaging Information in DNA (Public Lecture)

Stephen Quake
Stanford University, Department of Bioengineering
April 6, 2007 The Origin and Early Evolution of Angiosperms: Where Next? (Peer Lecture) Peter Crane FRS
Hinds Laboratory for the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago
April 5, 2007 Wild Nature, Gardens and the Future of Plants (Public Lecture) Peter Crane FRS
Hinds Laboratory for the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago
April 3, 2007 God, Darwin, and Design Kenneth Miller Watch
February 2, 2007 Genomes: Unraveling Species and Ecology of Microbes Jim Tiedje Watch
January 24, 2007 Extreme Comparative Genetics: From Microbes to Neanderthals Eddy Rubin Watch
December 5, 2006 The Evolution of Ecosystem Patterns (Peer Lecture) Simon A. Levin
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
December 4, 2006 Learning to Live in a Global Commons: Socioeconomic Challenges for a Sustainable Environment (Public Lecture) Simon A. Levin
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
November 20, 2006 Mechanisms of Homologous Recombination Lorraine Symington
Columbia University
October 24, 2006 Sniffing by Hairy Noses: Odor Capture by Crustacean Antennules in Turbulent Environments (Peer Lecture) Mimi Koehl
Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley
October 23, 2006 Settling Down: How do Larvae of Bottom-Dwelling Marine Organisms Land in the Right Place? (Public Lecture) Mimi Koehl
Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley
October 12, 2006 Earth's Icy Biosphere John Priscu
University of Chicago
September 25, 2006 Biological Networks and Computation Symposium    
April 25, 2006 A Cell Biologist Views the Immune Response Ira Mellman Watch
April 14, 2006

Cell Division and Growth in Plants

Dirk Inze Watch
May 12, 2006 Control of Flowering Time by Seasonal Cues George Coupland
Max Planck Institute
March 15, 2006 How to Attack the Cytokinesis Problem (Peer Lecture) Thomas D. Pollard
Yale University
March 14, 2006 The Molecular Mechanism of Cellular Motility (Public Lecture) Thomas D. Pollard
Yale University
January 25, 2006 Mechanisms of Lifespan Regulation in Caenorhabditis elegans (Peer Lecture) Cynthia Kenyon
University of California, San Francisco
January 24, 2006 Genes from the Fountain of Youth (Public Lecture) Cynthia Kenyon
University of California, San Francisco
January 12, 2006 Restoration of Lake Ecosystems: Does Humpty Dumpty Reassemble Spontaneously or Does Reassembly Require Tape and Glue? Roland Knapp
University of California, Santa Barbara
May 10, 2005 Physics Meets Biology (Peer Lecture) Steven Chu
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
May 9, 2005 A Possible Solution to the Real Energy Crises (Public Lecture) Steven Chu
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
April 27, 2005 The Genetic Control of Programmed Cell Death in the Nematode C. elegans (Peer Lecture) H. Robert Horvitz
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Laboratories
April 26, 2005 Cell Suicide: Programmed Cell Death in Development and Disease (Public Lecture) H. Robert Horvitz
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Laboratories
November 30, 2004 Food Protection: Sustainable Alternatives Through Research (Peer Lecture) Hans R. Herren
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology: Nairobi, Kenya
November 29, 2004 World Food Security: Today's Problems Present Tomorrow's Opportunities (Public Lecture) Hans R. Herren
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology: Nairobi, Kenya
February 19, 2004 The Metabolic Tune-up to Optimize Health (Peer Lecture) Bruce Ames
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute
February 18, 2004 Delaying Aging and Optimizing Health with Supplements and Diet (Public Lecture) Bruce Ames
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute
October 7, 2003 Collapses of Ancient Societies and Their Modern Implications Jared Diamond
University of California, Los Angeles
April 29, 2003 New Data on Pleistocene Extinctions in Australasia: Implications for North America (Peer Lecture) Timothy F. Flannery
South Australia Museum
April 28, 2003 Evolutionary Trends on Two Continents: Australia and North America (Public Lecture) Timothy F. Flannery
South Australia Museum
March 11, 2003 From the Double Helix to Paired Helices (Peer Lecture) Kim Nasmyth
Institute of Molecular Pathology, Austria
March 10, 2003 How We Propagate Our Genomes (Public Lecture) Kim Nasmyth
Institute of Molecular Pathology, Austria
January 15, 2003 Genetic Analysis of Human Progeroid Syndromes: the Werner Syndrome and Dementias of the Alzheimer Type as Prototypical Examples (Peer Lecture) George Martin
University of Washington
January 13, 2003 The What, Why and How of Aging (Public Lecture) George Martin
University of Washington
May 07, 2002 RNA Interference from Plants and Worms to Mammals (Peer Lecture) Phillip Sharp
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
May 06, 2002 RNA Splicing and Genome Sequence (Public Lecture) Phillip Sharp
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
April 12, 2002 Regulation of Function of Neurogenesis in the Adult Hippocampus (Peer Lecture) Fred H. Gage
The Salk Institute, Laboratory of Genetics
April 11, 2002 Stem Cells in the Adult Brain 

(Public Lecture)

Fred H. Gage
The Salk Institute, Laboratory of Genetics
March 06, 2002 DNA Repair and Transcription in Living Cells 

(Peer Lecture)

Jan Hoeijmakers
Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
March 04, 2002 Nucleotide Excision Repair: Maintaining Nature's Perfection (Public Lecture) Jan Hoeijmakers
Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
April 04, 2001 Nonlinear Problems In Ecology And Population Biology (Peer Lecture) Robert May
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
April 02, 2001 How Many Species? The Future of Wildlife in a Crowded World 

(Public Lecture)

Robert May
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
January 31, 2001 Bioprospecting for Nutraceuticals and Pharmaceuticals; Functional Genomics Applications to Plant Metabolism (Peer Lecture) Charles J. Arntzen
Department of Plant Biology, Arizona State University
January 30, 2001 Production and Use of Oral Vaccines in Transgenic Plants; From Basic Science to Human Clinical Trials (Public Lecture) Charles J. Arntzen
Department of Plant Biology, Arizona State University


April 28, 1999 Neuromodulation of Cortical Memory Circuits (Peer Lecture) Patricia Goldman-Rakic 
Yale University School of Medicine
April 26, 1999 Opening the Mind Through Neurobiology (Public Lecture) Patricia Goldman-Rakic 
Yale University School of Medicine
January 13, 1999 Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology (Peer Lecture) Leroy Hood
Department of Molecular Biotechnology, University of Washington
January 11, 1999 Genes, Genomes, and Society (Public Lecture) Leroy Hood
Department of Molecular Biotechnology, University of Washington
May 19, 1998 The Uses of Cloning in Biology and Medicine (Peer Lecture) Ian Wilmut
Roslin Institute
May 18, 1998 Are There Any Limits to the Cloning of Animals? (Public Lecture) Ian Wilmut
Roslin Institute
April 22, 1998 AIDS and the Brain (Peer Lecture) Floyd E. Bloom
April 20, 1998 Knowing About Knowing About the Brain (Public Lecture) Floyd E. Bloom
May 6, 1997 Molecular Mechanism of the Yeast PMA1 ATPase (Peer Lecture) Carolyn W. Slayman
Yale University School of Medicine
May 5, 1997 Cation Pumps: How They Evolved and What They Do (Public Lecture) Carolyn W. Slayman
Yale University School of Medicine
April 16, 1997 Protein Glycosylation and Folding in the Endoplasmic Reticulum (Peer Lecture) William J. Lennarz
Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, State University of New York at Stony Brook
April 14, 1997 Sperm Meets Egg: The Molecules Involved (Public Lecture) William J. Lennarz
Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, State University of New York at Stony Brook
February 5, 1997 Genetics and the Origin of Bird Species (Peer Lecture) Peter R. Grant
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
February 3, 1997 The Adaptive Radiation of Darwin's Finches (Public Lecture) Peter R. Grant
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
April 9, 1996 The Struggle for Water and the Quest for Peace in the Middle East (Peer Lecture) Daniel Hillel
University of Massachusetts
April 8, 1996 Civilization and the Life of the Soil (Public Lecture) Daniel Hillel
University of Massachusetts
March 6, 1996 The Protein Import Machine of Mitochondria (Peer Lecture) Gottfried Schatz
University of Basel, Switzerland
March 4, 1996 How Cells Build Mitochondria (Public Lecture) Gottfried Schatz
University of Basel, Switzerland
October 18, 1995 Ecology and the Human Ovary (Peer Lecture) Peter T. Ellison
Department of Anthropology: Peabody Museum, Harvard University
October 16, 1995 Ecology and Human Fecundity (Public Lecture) Peter T. Ellison
Department of Anthropology: Peabody Museum, Harvard University
May 3, 1995 Differentiation and Development in Skin (Peer Lecture) Elaine V. Fuchs
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, The University of Chicago
May 1, 1995 Of Mice and Men: Genetic Disorders of Keratin (Public Lecture) Elaine V. Fuchs
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, The University of Chicago
February 8, 1995 Metabolite and CO2 Fluxes Between Cells: Compromises and Trade-offs for Efficient C4 Photosynthesis (Peer Lecture) Hal Hatch
CSIRO Division of Plant Industry
February 6, 1995 he Story of C4 Photosynthesis: How, Why and When (Public Lecture) Hal Hatch
CSIRO Division of Plant Industry
November 2, 1994 Neural Calcium Signaling and Synaptic Plasticity (Peer Lecture) Michael J. Berridge
The Babraham Institute, Laboratory of Molecular Signaling
October 31, 1994 Spatiotemporal Aspects of Calcium Signaling (Public Lecture) Michael J. Berridge
The Babraham Institute, Laboratory of Molecular Signaling
April 21, 1994 The Pandemic of AIDS: The Transmission Dynamics and Evolution of HIV  Roy Malcolm Anderson
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
April 20, 1994 The Ecology of Viral Infections in Human Communities and the Evolution of Virulence  Roy Malcolm Anderson
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
April 18, 1994 Populations, Infectious Diseases, and Immunity: A Very Non-Linear World Roy Malcolm Anderson
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
March 3, 1994 Adapting Genes and Genomes: AIDS and Some other Retroviral Epidemics Stephen J. O'Brien
National Cancer Institute
March 2, 1994 Retracing the Natural History of Endangered Species: Lessons from The Big Cats Stephen J. O'Brien
National Cancer Institute
February 28, 1994 Evolving Genes and Genomes: The Mammalian Radiations Stephen J. O'Brien
National Cancer Institute
January 27, 1994 Properties of Synthetic Peptide-MHC Conjugates Philippa Marrack
National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine
January 25, 1994 T Cell Selection and Tolerance, A Continuing Saga Philippa Marrack
National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine
January 24, 1994 Superantigens Philippa Marrack
National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine
April 15, 1993 Clinical Applications of Angiogenesis Research Judah Folkman
Harvard Medical School: The Children's Hospital Boston
April 14, 1993 How Tumors Become Angiogenic Judah Folkman
Harvard Medical School: The Children's Hospital Boston
April 12, 1993 The Search for the 'Blood Vessel Factor' Judah Folkman
Harvard Medical School: The Children's Hospital Boston
February 4, 1993 Recent Studies on Primordial Germ Cells in Mice Anne McLaren
Wellcome/CRC Institute
February 3, 1993 The Germ-Cell Cycle: A Circuitous Journey That Ends Up Where It Began? Anne McLaren
Wellcome/CRC Institute
February 1, 1993 Sex Determination in Mammals: A Thirty Year Quest Anne McLaren
Wellcome/CRC Institute
November 19, 1992 The Design of Biological Information Processing Circuits Melvin I. Simon
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology
November 18, 1992 Signal Transduction in Complex Cellular Systems Melvin I. Simon
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology
November 16, 1992 How Bacteria Think Melvin I. Simon
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology
April 16, 1992 Cooperation and Conflict Between Parents and Offspring Patrick Bateson
Sub Department of Animal Behavior, University of Cambridge
April 15, 1992 How Do We Know Whether and What an Animal Feels and Thinks? Patrick Bateson
Sub Department of Animal Behavior, University of Cambridge
April 13, 1992 Behavioral Imprinting and Neural Nets Patrick Bateson
Sub Department of Animal Behavior, University of Cambridge
February 6, 1992 Limb Deformity: A Gene Involved in Embryonic Pattern Formation in the Mouse Philip Leder
Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
February 5, 1992 Understanding Cancer: Studies in Transgenic Mice II Philip Leder
Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
February 4, 1992 Understanding Cancer: Studies in Transgenic Mice I Philip Leder
Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
November 21, 1991 Distinguishing History From Natural Selection Richard C. Lewontin
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
November 20, 1991 Patterns of Constraint on Genes and Proteins Richard C. Lewontin
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
November 18, 1991 What's Wrong With Evolutionary Explanations? Richard C. Lewontin
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
May 30, 1991 Anima: Cell Motility and Meiotic Sex Lynn Margulis
University of Massachusetts
May 29, 1991 Symbiogenesis: Origins of Evolutionary Novelty Lynn Margulis
University of Massachusetts
May 28, 1991 GAIA: The Living Surface of the Third Planet Lynn Margulis
University of Massachusetts
January 31, 1991 The Price: How Performance Costs Energy Thomas A. McMahon
Harvard University
January 30, 1991 Running Away From Problems: Terrestrial Locomotion Thomas A. McMahon
Harvard University
January 28, 1991 Some Basic Ideas: What the Physicists Know and What They Don't Thomas A. McMahon
Harvard University
November 7, 1990 Visual Awareness Francis Crick
The Salk Institute
November 6, 1990 The Visual System Francis Crick
The Salk Institute
November 5, 1990 The Psychology of Vision Francis Crick
The Salk Institute
March 1, 1990 Regulation of the Anthocyanin Biosynthetic Pathway in Zea Mays Heinz Saedler
Molecular Plant Genetics, Max-Planck-Institut fur Zuchtungsforschung
February 27, 1990 Molecular Analysis of Flower Development in Antirrhinum Majus (Snapdragon) Heinz Saedler
Molecular Plant Genetics, Max-Planck-Institut fur Zuchtungsforschung
February 26, 1990 Plant Transposable Elements and Their Role in Evolution Heinz Saedler
Molecular Plant Genetics, Max-Planck-Institut fur Zuchtungsforschung


October 26, 1989 The Oxygen Problem: Factors Controlling Nitrogenase Activity in Frankia in Symbiosis and In Vitro John G. Torrey
Harvard University
October 25, 1989 A Biologist Looks at Some Ethical Considerations in the Workplace John G. Torrey
Harvard University
October 23, 1989 Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation by Actinomycete-Nodulated Trees and Shrubs John G. Torrey
Harvard University
October 20, 1988 Surviving in the Desert: Why Ants Run the Risk of Getting Overheated Rudiger Wehner
University of Zurich
October 18, 1988 Insect Vision: A Panoramic View of the World Rudiger Wehner
University of Zurich
October 17, 1988 Ant Navigation: How Small Brains Solve Complex Tasks Rudiger Wehner
University of Zurich
April 14, 1988 Interactions in Simple Communities John L. Harper
University College of North Wales
April 12, 1988 A Reductionist in an Ecosystem John L. Harper
University College of North Wales
April 11, 1988 The Modular Organism John L. Harper
University College of North Wales
January 20, 1988 Molecular Architecture and Construction of a Cholinergic Synapse Jean-Pierre Changeux
Pasteur Institute
January 19, 1988 From the Epigenesis of Neural Networks to Mental Darwinism Jean-Pierre Changeux
Pasteur Institute
January 15, 1988 The Acetylcholine Receptor: A Membrane-Bound Allosteric Protein Jean-Pierre Changeux
Pasteur Institute
November 12, 1987 Prevention and Treatment of AIDS and HIV Related Diseases Jean-Claude Chermann
Pasteur Institute
November 11, 1987 Is CD4 the Only Receptor for HIV? Jean-Claude Chermann
Pasteur Institute
November 10, 1987 The Human Immunodeficiency Viruses as Cause of Aids and Associated Diseases Jean-Claude Chermann
Pasteur Institute
March 4, 1987 Cell Adhesion Molecules and the Regulation of Animal Form Gerald Edelman
The Rockefeller University, New York
March 4, 1987 Neural Darwinism: The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection Gerald Edelman
The Rockefeller University, New York
December 4, 1986 Militarization of Academic Science Aldo Carl Leopold
December 3, 1986 Life in the Dry State: The Physiology of Seeds Aldo Carl Leopold
December 1, 1986 The Act of Creation: Creativity and Science Aldo Carl Leopold
April 24, 1986 Did Darwin Get it Wrong? John Maynard Smith
University of Sussex
April 22, 1986 The Origin of Life John Maynard Smith
University of Sussex
April 21, 1986 On the Origin of Recombination John Maynard Smith
University of Sussex
October 10, 1985 From Simplicity to Complexity in the Study of Insect Populations - Part II Michael P. Hassell
Imperial College at Silwood Park
October 9, 1985 Natural Enemies and the Regulation of Insect Populations Michael P. Hassell
Imperial College at Silwood Park
October 8, 1985 From Simplicity to Complexity in the Study of Insect Populations - Part I Michael P. Hassell
Imperial College at Silwood Park
May 8, 1985 Physiological Sciences Geoffrey M. Ole Maloiy
University of Nairobi
April 8, 1985 Why Do Birds Sing? John. R Krebs
Earl Grey Institute of Field Ornithology
April 4, 1985 Field and Laboratory Studies of Foraging Behavior John. R Krebs
Earl Grey Institute of Field Ornithology
April 3, 1985 Animals As Careful Shoppers John. R Krebs
Earl Grey Institute of Field Ornithology
December 6, 1984 Nitrogen Fixation of a Legume as Affected by Association with a Non-Legume Maurice Fried
National Academy of Sciences
December 5, 1984 Minimizing Food Production Costs Through Isotope Aided Research Maurice Fried
National Academy of Sciences
December 4, 1984 Biological Nitrogen Fixation By Food Legumes-A Blueprint For a Low-Cost Contribution to the Food Supply in Developing Countries Maurice Fried
National Academy of Sciences
April 26, 1984 Cellular Oncogenes: Pathways to Carcinogenesis Michael Bishop
University of California, San Francisco
April 26, 1984 Infuriating Tensions: Science and the Medical Student Michael Bishop
University of California, San Francisco
April 25, 1984 Retroviruses: Designs for Carcinogenesis Michael Bishop
University of California, San Francisco
February 15, 1984 Protein Interactions on Erythrocyte Membranes and on Coated Vesicles Daniel Branton
Harvard University
February 14, 1984 Membrane-Protein Interactions and Erythrocyte Shape Daniel Branton
Harvard University
February 13, 1984 Cellular Compartments and their Interactions with the Cytoskeleton Daniel Branton
Harvard University
October 18, 1983 On the Nature of Avain Photorefractoriness Donald S. Farner
University of Washington
October 17, 1983 Control of the Annual Cycle of a Migratory Avian Species Donald S. Farner
University of Washington
October 13, 1983 Avian Photoperiodism: Six Centuries - Six Decades Donald S. Farner
University of Washington
January 11, 1983 Classical Conditioning: Insights into the Relationship Between Associative and Nonassociative Learning Eric R. Kandel
Colombia University
January 10, 1983 Sensitization: Toward a Molecular Biology of a Simple Form of Learning Eric R. Kandel
Colombia University
January 6, 1983 Habituation: The Relationship of Short to Long-Term Memory Eric R. Kandel
Colombia University
October 18, 1982 Origin of the Apes Richard E. Leakey
National Museums of Kenya
October 13, 1982 A Review of the Fossil Record From Africa Richard E. Leakey
National Museums of Kenya
October 11, 1982 Why African Genesis Richard E. Leakey
National Museums of Kenya
May 19, 1982 The Green Revolution and Our Role in Feeding the World Glenn W. Burton
University of Georgia
May 13, 1982 Meeting Human Needs Through Plant Breeding Glenn W. Burton
University of Georgia
May 11, 1982 Food Resources in the Plant Kingdom Glenn W. Burton
University of Georgia
October 27, 1981 Nutrition: From Myth and Magic to Science Alfred E. Harper
University of Wisconsin-Madison
October 22, 1981 Malnutrition and the Food and Population Imbalance Alfred E. Harper
University of Wisconsin-Madison
October 20, 1981 National Nutrition Policy and Dietary Guidelines for the Public Alfred E. Harper
University of Wisconsin-Madison
March 5, 1981 Moral Systems From Now On: Will Biological Knowledge be Useful? Richard Alexander
University of Michigan
March 3, 1981 The Natural History of Ethics: Ethical Egoism Modified; Moral Systems as Viewed by Philosophers, Social Scientists and Theologians and the Consistency and Inconsistencies of These Views with Biology Richard Alexander
University of Michigan
February 26, 1981 Conflicts of Interest: Their Biological Basis, Their Central Role in the Structure of Moral Systems and Their Manner of Resolution in Different Circumstances and Societies Richard Alexander
University of Michigan
January 27, 1981 Mount Everest and Beyond, Breathing Air Pierre Dejours
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
January 22, 1981 Ecophysiology of Crayfish Breathing and Hemolymph Acid-Base Balance Pierre Dejours
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
January 21, 1981 Water and Air as Ambient Media: Physiological Consequences Pierre Dejours
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
October 30, 1980 Genes, Dreams, and Phonemes Colin Blakemore
University Laboratory of Physiology, Oxford
October 28, 1980 Representations in the Brain Colin Blakemore
University Laboratory of Physiology, Oxford
October 27, 1980 From Quata to Contour Colin Blakemore
University Laboratory of Physiology, Oxford
May 14, 1980 Variations in Human Cerebral Asymmetry Jerre Levy
University of Chicago
May 12, 1980 The Evolution and Development of Cerebral Asymmetry Jerre Levy
University of Chicago
May 7, 1980 The Asymmetry of the Human Brain Jerre Levy
University of Chicago
May 5, 1980 Genetics, Psychology, and Neurology and Psychology Jerre Levy
University of Chicago
April 16, 1980 Medical Biological Chemistry George E. Palade
Yale Medical School
February 4, 1980 Wildlife and Fisheries Biology John F. Eisenberg
Smithsonian Institution


November 5, 1979 Postharvest Biology Group Daphne J. Osborne
Oxford University
April 24, 1979 Bacteriology Carl R. Woese
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
February 22, 1979 Chemical Approaches to the Dynamics of Local Conformation and Enzyme Function (Peer Lecture) Bert L. Vallee
Harvard Medical School
February 20, 1979 A Century of Zinc Biochemistry and Metabolism (Public Lecture) Bert L. Vallee
Harvard Medical School
October 17, 1978 Human Circadian Rhythms: A Multi-Oscillator System Jurgen Aschoff
Max-Planck Institute
October 12, 1978 Clocks for Telling Time of Day and Time of Year Jurgen Aschoff
Max-Planck Institute
October 10, 1978 Biological Rhythms: A Survey of Their Spectrum Jurgen Aschoff
Max-Planck Institute

April 5, 1978


Eric H. Davidson
California Institute of Technology
February 15, 1978 Man and Animals: Some Comparative Aspects of Nutrition (Peer Lecture) Kenneth L. Blaxter
Rowett Research Institute

February 8, 1978

Demography and Food Production (Public Lecture)

Kenneth L. Blaxter
Rowett Research Institute
November 29, 1977 Birth Defects: The Present and the Future (Peer Lecture) James D. Ebert
Marine Biological Laboratory
November 22, 1977 Interacting Systems in Development (Public Lecture) James D. Ebert
Marine Biological Laboratory
April 20, 1977

Why are Membranes Fluid? (Peer Lecture)

S.J. Singer
University of California, San Diego
April 13, 1977

The Molecular Organization of Membranes (Public Lecture)

S.J. Singer
University of California, San Diego
March 1, 1977 Pulmonary Function Tests; What Are They Good For? Jere Mead
Harvard University
February 25, 1977

How the Diaphragm Works

Jere Mead
Harvard University
February 23, 1977 Breathing Jere Mead
Harvard University
February 2, 1977 A Plant Scientist Looks at the World Food Prospect and Asks "What Can We Do?" (Peer Lecture) Peter Albersheim
University of Colorado
January 26, 1977 Molecular Interactions Between Plants and Their Pathogens: Towards the Development of Ecologically Attractive Pesticides (Public Lecture) Peter Albersheim
University of Colorado
December 2, 1976 The Origins of Photosynthesis in Eukaryotes (Peer Lecture)

Roger Yate Stanier
Institute Pasteur

November 23, 1976 The Photosynthetic Prokaryotes (Public Lecture) Roger Yate Stanier
Institute Pasteur
May 26, 1976 Genetic Manipulation and Crop Productivity (Peer Lecture) Peter S. Carlson
Michigan State University
May 19, 1976 Plant Cells as Microorganisms (Public Lecture) Peter S. Carlson
Michigan State University
April 21, 1976 II. Genetic Engineering: Social Issues (Peer Lecture) Sydney Brenner
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
April 14, 1976 I. Genetic Engineering: Scientific Issues (Public Lecture) Sydney Brenner
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
October 29, 1975 Mechanism of Steroid Action: III. Regulation of Initiation of RNA Synthesis Bert W. O'Malley
Baylor College of Medicine
October 22, 1975 Mechanism of Steroid Action: II. Regulation of Messenger RNA Synthesis Bert W. O'Malley
Baylor College of Medicine
October 20, 1975 Mechanism of Steroid Action: I. Hormone Receptors Bert W. O'Malley
Baylor College of Medicine
April 28, 1975 Insects and Toxic Plants: Food for Thought (Peer Lecture) Murray S. Blum
University of Georgia
April 23, 1975 Misguided Sex: Golden Bees and Their Orchids (Public Lecture) Murray S. Blum
University of Georgia
April 7, 1975 Nutritional Damage to Protein in Processed Foods and Feeds (Peer Lecture) Kenneth John Carpenter
University of Cambridge
April 3, 1975 What Caused Pellagra?: A Case Study in Food Science and Nutrition (Public Lecture) Kenneth John Carpenter
University of Cambridge
November 12, 1974 What are the Rights of Posterity (Peer Lecture) Garrett Hardin
University of California, Santa Barbara
November 6, 1974 Spaceship or Lifeboat: Competing Environmental Metaphors (Public Lecture) Garrett Hardin
University of California, Santa Barbara
April 10, 1974 The Origins of Agriculture in Meso-America (Peer Lecture) Kent V. Flannery
University of Michigan
April 3, 1974 The Origins of Agriculture in the Near East (Public Lecture) Kent V. Flannery
University of Michigan
March 14, 1974 Monkeys, Apes, and Human Distress (Peer Lecture) David A. Hamburg
Stanford University
March 7, 1974 Recent Observations of Chimpanzee Behavior (Public Lecture) David A. Hamburg
Stanford University
November 15, 1973 The Role of Immunotherapy in the Management of Malignant Disease Peter Alexander
Royal Marsden Cancer Hospital
November 13, 1973 Ecology and Economics of Estuaries (Peer Lecture) Eugene P. Odum
University of Georgia
November 6, 1973 Ecosystem Analysis in terms of Energy Concepts (Public Lecture) Eugene P. Odum
University of Georgia
May 16, 1973 Evolving Rational Treatment of Parkinson's Disease (Peer Lecture) George C. Cotzias
Brookhaven National Laboratory
May 9, 1973 Metals, Miners, and Madness (Public Lecture) George C. Cotzias
Brookhaven National Laboratory
April 19, 1973 Social Communication in Monkeys and Apes (Peer Lecture) Peter R. Marler
The Rockefeller University, New York
April 12, 1973 Learning, Genes, and Behavioral Development (Public Lecture) Peter R. Marler
The Rockefeller University, New York
March 7, 1973 Oddities of Mammalian Reproduction (Peer Lecture) Sir Alan S. Parkes
The Galton Foundation, London
February 27, 1973 Problems of Human Reproduction (Public Lecture) Sir Alan S. Parkes
The Galton Foundation, London
October 25, 1972 Biogeography and Continental Drift (Peer Lecture) George Gaylord Simpson
The Simroe Foundation
October 18, 1972 Marsupials (Public Lecture) George Gaylord Simpson
The Simroe Foundation
May 9, 1972 Photobiology - The Responses (Peer Lecture) Sterling B. Hendricks
Agricultural Research Service, U.S.D.A.
May 2, 1972 Photobiology - Light and Its Actions (Public Lecture) Sterling B. Hendricks
Agricultural Research Service, U.S.D.A.
January 26, 1972 Teosinte, Mother of Corn (Peer Lecture) George W. Beadle
University of Chicago
January 19, 1972 Genes and Enzymes: Personal Recollections (Public Lecture) George W. Beadle
University of Chicago
November 30, 1971 Cell Fusion as a Tool in Experimental Biology (Peer Lecture) Hilary Koprowski
Wistar Institute
November 24, 1971 Natural Resistance to Virus Infections: Genetics and Possible Mechanisms (Public Lecture) Hilary Koprowski
Wistar Institute
November 19, 1971 South American Triassic Fossil Reptiles Alfred S. Romer
Harvard University
February 1, 1971 Biochemistry H.L. Kornberg
University of Leicester
November 19, 1970 Survival of Threatened Species - Desert Fishes and Marine Mammals Carl L. Hubbs
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
November 17, 1970 Paleohydrography and the Fish Life of the Great Basin  Carl L. Hubbs
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
November 13, 1970 Demons of the Deep - What Are and What Ain't Carl L. Hubbs
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
April 5, 1970 Plant Physiology A. Frey-Wyssling
Technische Hochschule


April 13, 1969 Epidemiology Frank Fenner
John Curtin School of Medical Research 
January 5, 1969 Plant Ecology W.D. Billings
Professor of Botany, Duke University  
November 3, 1968 Human Anatomy Elizabeth C. Crosby
University of Michigan 
May 7, 1967 Animal Evolution Ernest Mayr
Harvard University
October 17, 1966 Insect Physiology Vincent G. Dethier
University of Pennsylvania  
October 5, 1963 Developmental Genetics Ernest W. Caspari
University of Rochester